You need to pay Diversity Visa lotter fee of $330.00 to the Department of State.
If you submit your DS-260, you will receive an email from KCC stating they are aware your intension about AOS with USCIS. There will be two attachments
One will be your 2nd Notification Letter (Save this as you need to include this with your AOS package)
Other one is the DV fee payment form. Fill that form or use this link to access the form ( copy the form from the website on a Word file and fill)
Each member in the family need to pay $330.00 (Ex: if you family has 3 members, you need to pay $990.00 all together.
Use ONLY cashier’s Check or Money Order (write your case number on memo section of the money order)
Things you need before send the mail
Cashier’s check or Money order with Correct amount
Completely filled Form
Self-addressed/stamped envelope (this is to receive the paid receipt back)
Another bigger envelope to put all together and mail
use this address to mail,
U.S. Department of State
Diversity Visa Program
P.O. Box 979079
St. Louis, Missouri 63197-9000
You should receive the paid receipt by 3 to 5 weeks in the self-addressed-stamped envelop. If you still haven’t got it after 5 weeks, email KCC( ) and ask to email the copy of the paid receipt.
Pro tip: Check the status of the money order after one week ( Status of USPS money order ) or call USPS. Then you will know if the money order has been cashed or not.
Example: This is an example of money ordered bought from USPS. They also have stamped envelopes with different sizes.
Buy two stamped envelopes ( bigger one and a smaller one) from USPS.
In smaller envelop write your address on the right bottom corner.
On the bigger envelop write the above address on the right bottom corner and your address on left top corner.
Put the smaller envelop, money order and filled form inside the bigger envelop and seal it and send it. (if you can’t find a smaller envelop then use a same size envelop and fold it before put inside the other envelop)
Example of DV Fee Package

Example of DV Fee Receipt